My Blog is not supposed to be visually appealing...It stands for my beliefs...

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Painful Regression

Broken mirrors...They cut my soul everywhere... He's in pain...I'm in pain because of that...Will the rear view mirror ever stay blank...will the painful past be erased from it...he's reliving that day three years his his thoughts... he lies in heavy slumber...refusing to wake to the present and happiness... how do I get him back from regression?...Painful regression... How do i get him back to normalcy again...I don't want to lose everything...when will this painful regression stop... 


What do we have but illusions where one man's absolute is another's choice
--Poets Of The Fall-Rewind--

I dance entangled with my dear
She pulls my every string
Completely trapped yet never here

When passion colors everything...
--Poets Of The Fall-Passion Colors Everything-- 

Choice... We all have choices... To pick up a broken eagle...broken wing... or walk past it without turning around...  Leave a tormented soul behind... or embrace it with your whole heart and being... weld with it and become one... let its pain become yours...