A viper glides through the burning golden sand leaving a zig zag trail in its wake... A scorpion scuttles by not far from it... my only companions... not a soul in sight...

A few days ago she seemed to have disappeared and the loss of her cat troubled her deeply... and pained her soul as if it had been wrecked in two... Fury raged through her veins when she contemplated human design... Some used to call 'Midnight' a witches cat or the devil's pet and would always be avoiding her or shooing her away...
'Midnight' the very word suggests a strange mystifying macabre quality born of blackness... These qualities fitted her perfectly. Her large glimmering green eyes were strangely mystifying yet exquisitely beautiful... It was true that her blood ran thick with magic but she could only use it instinctive... An agent of the Ancient Cat God, The Egyptians loved so much and honoured... She was sent to the Land Of The Burning Plains to protect the princess with the red eyes...