My Blog is not supposed to be visually appealing...It stands for my beliefs...

My Paintings

Beauty Modified...
The first in my facets of a woman series: Beauty
A woman is beauty modified...'modified' because this beauty always has utility... in the form of love... She plays different roles...mother...daughter...wife...friend...and also an individual in her own right...
Materials used: Charcoals, Bunt Umber Pastels
shading done with hand
The Balancer...
The second in my facets of a woman series: The Balancer
She balances the world in her hands... Walk a tightrope with juggling balls... Balances all her roles... 
Materials Used: 
1) Ink: Ball point: pink and blue
2)Fountain Pen for outlines (black)
3)Parker pen for filling in...

Pain personalised...
Medium: Gel medium
Instruments: Palette Knifes
Detailing done with my nails...
The third in my facets of a woman series: Pain
She hides her pain with the veil of her smile... 

Unspoken...unexpressed... it kills her from inside...


A child's version of the house... Simplicity... We lose it as we progress through time... 
Materials used: charcoals, burnt umber and lemon yellow pastel 
shading done with my hands...
Storm Across The Room
Storm Across The Room... The haze represents the myriad of thoughts that pass through our minds... It represents the simple thought that though we maybe present in a world physically we actually belong and reside in the cradle of our thoughts...
Materials Used: Charcoal Pastels
And my hands ^-^

The picture might look a little macabre at first...It actually represents the affection that some of us have for our pets... When they die...We put up an actual funeral like the one for real people and bury them in the garden with a tombstone for remembrance...
Materials used: charcoal pastels,burnt umber pastels
shading done with my hands ^-^

End Of An Era
Instruments: Palette Knives
Colors: Crimson Red
Lemon Yellow