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Thursday, July 8, 2010

Reigning Queen Of Sorrow... First Look...

Pain… My life has been full of pain… endless pain. This is what I want to save him from… a life full of uncertainty, lies, betrayal, moreover a broken heart, pain and sorrow…
I am Niharo Konishi, Jason's mother. I was born on 21st March 1896 in a tiny little fishing village in Japan. I grew up around the sea. I loved the waves, the breeze especially the salty taste of the air. I can even remember it now after such a long time. It seems like a lifetime now. Sometimes I stop and wonder whether I really had a loving family and nice family. This I can only dream from afar and Jason is all that I have right now. I was so little… only a bud really when I was plucked away from my own family… away from the two people I loved more than anything else in the world.

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