My Blog is not supposed to be visually appealing...It stands for my beliefs...

Monday, November 1, 2010


Innocence seems lost to me... I wish for the innocence of the youngest days of my life... a newborn babe... an infant... a toddler... who never knew the facts of life, the dark shadow that looms over us for life... Ironic isn't it? That when we didn't know anything when we were untouched by thr cold fingers of hard truth we wanted to know everything and now when we do know everything we wish we had the innocence of our bud days back... The world is heartless and cruel... ever striving to break us... Every little step we take is fraught with beguiled with shadows... Shadows of consequences... of sorrows... Sometimes even reaching the brink of insanity... The world is not a place of colour as our eyes see it but wrought only with shades of grey as our hearts feel it...    

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