My Blog is not supposed to be visually appealing...It stands for my beliefs...
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Thursday, December 30, 2010
Monday, December 27, 2010
Breaking bondage To Freedom
She is chained...the sharp steel chain stark against the snow white of her feathers...She's chained to the ground...chained to the earth...kept away from her home, the azure sky...She screams this insult to a child of the sky...She screams in frustration and fury...Rage seizes her limbs and she starts to flap her wings...Her wrist is bound to the ground in chains...She flies up towards the sky with fervor...her wings splayed...beating to the rhythm of her heart...She flies...Till she reaches the limit of the the chain struggles against her fervor to break free...her wrist chafes and starts to bleed...Droplets of blood curve around her forearm...She starts beating her wings with all her might...With a final thrust from her wings...she wrenches herself free...Finally the child of the sky is one with her home again...
Mood Swings
My mind flashes crimson, jade, amber, ebony...Even white when feathers flutter through...solace...
I sigh again...I'm back home after The War...Yet it continues to haunt me...
As I Bleed
My heart lay suspended in mid-air above me.Bound by strange icy shackles.She could only watch,only watch as I lay bleeding. She wanted to help but cold frigid pain held her back.She screamed for me to stay but the harm was done.I had cut myself.And all she could do was watch...only watch as I bled...
Some rights reserved. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 License.
Thursday, December 23, 2010
Solace Of my Heart
One step backwards...Two steps...Three steps...Tears glisten in my eyes as I see his face recede... I'm moving away from my the light in my life...How will I survive without him?...I turn around after his face disappears...I give way to unabashed weeping, I'm so so alone...The darkness and the coldness hits me right away...I drop to my knees in pain...My being wrecked with pain...Before long, I felt a gentle touch caress my soul...I looked up through my veil of tears...I saw my heart garbed in front of me...Without saying a word, a loving smile on her lips she embraces me...
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
I Am Pain's Violin
Pain plucks its bow on my heart,
My tears turn to blood,
As the aching increases,
My heart is numb,
I lie in a pool of blood now,
No one sees me here,
As I lay dying,
No one stops in their tracks to lift me....
Monday, December 13, 2010
I feel nothing as the katana is raised for the fatal blow...My mind is a blank sheet of paper...No thoughts, no emotions,no feelings... The ninja looks at me with pleading eyes...Yet I feel no compassion...I feel nothing at all...nothing at all...The sword flashes claret...solace...I feel my as I see his severed head and the pool of crimson...My soul weeps...What have I done? The devil has taken over me again...
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
Heart Analyzer
I stand in front of you. My legs are trembling as I stand here in front of you. I hold my heart in my hand. They call you a heart evaluator. They call you the 'wizened elder'. Yet you look so young. Now you're evaluating an old lady's heart humming a soft tune to yourself. My heart looks so small, compared to her. I could never have more love than her I thought. Now you look up with a bright smile and call me. It was finally my turn. "My,my" you said as you took my heart gingerly in yours, "Anjeline you're expression of love has increased double since you're last evaluation.This is incredible! Even adults take more than a lifetime for their capacity to love to increase in such a short time." I was speechless and I stood glowing there...warmth finally seeps in through my toes and my apprehension disappears...
The 'Real' Attention Seekers
They're everywhere...In the workplace now that you're working...Or the school you were in...These sort of people never leave your life...They're a staple right from childhood to adulthood... The ones I'm talking about? Well the wannabe celebs rich kids...The troubled teens...The 'cool and fashionable' as they call themselves...There are so many criterion for anyone to be a part of your group. They're friends are supposed to breath one particular sport (these days it's football) for the boys along with a hot girlfriend of course! For the girls, they should love make up, talk in fake accents...Be goody goody with everyone and stab them behind their back... Anyone who is not in this particular group...Is slandered at laughed at... If they tend to be righteous and stand up for things they believe in are ridiculed...Actually if we were to look a little closer, these 'point and laugh' people are the 'REAL' insecure ones...who are so addicted to attention...they'll do anything...even take a fall to get everyone's sympathies (has happened in my college)...they'll do anything to grab eyeballs...ANYTHING...
Sunday, December 5, 2010
Tithonus-Alfred Tennyson
The woods decay, the woods decay and fall,
The vapours weep their burthen to the ground,
Man comes and tills the field and lies beneath,
And after many a summer dies the swan.
Me only cruel immortality
Consumes; I wither slowly in thine arms,
Here at the quiet limit of the world,
A white-hair'd shadow roaming like a dream
The ever-silent spaces of the East,
Far-folded mists, and gleaming halls of morn.
Alas! for this gray shadow, once a man--
So glorious in his beauty and thy choice,
Who madest him thy chosen, that he seem'd
To his great heart none other than a God!
I ask'd thee, "Give me immortality."
Then didst thou grant mine asking with a smile,
Like wealthy men who care not how they give.
But thy strong Hours indignant work'd their wills,
And beat me down and marr'd and wasted me,
And tho' they could not end me, left me maim'd
To dwell in presence of immortal youth,
Immortal age beside immortal youth,
And all I was in ashes. Can thy love
Thy beauty, make amends, tho' even now,
Close over us, the silver star, thy guide,
Shines in those tremulous eyes that fill with tears
To hear me? Let me go: take back thy gift:
Why should a man desire in any way
To vary from the kindly race of men,
Or pass beyond the goal of ordinance
Where all should pause, as is most meet for all?
A soft air fans the cloud apart; there comes
A glimpse of that dark world where I was born.
Once more the old mysterious glimmer steals
From any pure brows, and from thy shoulders pure,
And bosom beating with a heart renew'd.
Thy cheek begins to redden thro' the gloom,
Thy sweet eyes brighten slowly close to mine,
Ere yet they blind the stars, and the wild team
Which love thee, yearning for thy yoke, arise,
And shake the darkness from their loosen'd manes,
And beat the twilight into flakes of fire.
Lo! ever thus thou growest beautiful
In silence, then before thine answer given
Departest, and thy tears are on my cheek.
Why wilt thou ever scare me with thy tears,
And make me tremble lest a saying learnt,
In days far-off, on that dark earth, be true?
"The Gods themselves cannot recall their gifts."
Ay me! ay me! with what another heart
In days far-off, and with what other eyes
I used to watch if I be he that watch'd
The lucid outline forming round thee; saw
The dim curls kindle into sunny rings;
Changed with thy mystic change, and felt my blood
Glow with the glow that slowly crimson'd all
Thy presence and thy portals, while I lay,
Mouth, forehead, eyelids, growing dewy-warm
With kisses balmier than half-opening buds
Of April, and could hear the lips that kiss'd
Whispering I knew not what of wild and sweet,
Like that strange song I heard Apollo sing,
While Ilion like a mist rose into towers.
Yet hold me not for ever in thine East;
How can my nature longer mix with thine?
Coldly thy rosy shadows bathe me, cold
Are all thy lights, and cold my wrinkled feet
Upon thy glimmering thresholds, when the steam
Floats up from those dim fields about the homes
Of happy men that have the power to die,
And grassy barrows of the happier dead.
Release me, and restore me to the ground;
Thou seest all things, thou wilt see my grave:
Thou wilt renew thy beauty morn by morn;
I earth in earth forget these empty courts,
And thee returning on thy silver wheels.
Saturday, December 4, 2010
Broken Mirrors
She saw her reflection break...into a thousand pieces before her eyes...She moved closer and touches the sterling surface.Not a single scratch...
The Sorcerer had said she thought with a sad smile that when her reflection breaks...Coldness would strike the kingdom and there will be no place for care and comfort to reside... The grey cold of indifference would shroud the kingdom till someone would find and piece together her reflection...
The Sorcerer had said she thought with a sad smile that when her reflection breaks...Coldness would strike the kingdom and there will be no place for care and comfort to reside... The grey cold of indifference would shroud the kingdom till someone would find and piece together her reflection...
Friday, December 3, 2010
So today because of Elspongie's child abuse case... I brought up the topic on my Facebook page for my blog and the shocking part was that no one was interested... Because I guess they grew up in cushy homes and the like... Spreading word is so hard... I mean 'The Youth Of Today' is supposed to be proactive in a lot of important things but reporting from my side all I can see is indifference...Like my environmental education textbook puts it NBY, 'Not In My Backyard'... These youth are still the same ones who verbally agree to all important things like conservation and prevention of domestic violence etc...But after they walk away no thoughts are given to such issues... I mean who takes care of everything... all the issues again the art community...We stand up for what we believe in unlike the normal people... It's just us... I guess we should stay nestled in the warmth we have created amongst ourselves rather than stay in this COLD COLD world of normal people...
Thursday, December 2, 2010
One With Myself
I bang against the box I'm in. The world outside pushes the lid harder. I want to get the outside the box and stay true to myself but this world wants to break me. They've locked up my true self far away from me and all I can sense in me is their oppressing rules, custom and their herd like social customs. They've even given me different masks like the ones they wear on different occasions. They're so fake even they themselves do not know their real selves, hidden behind the thick layer of make believe...
Oh... I long for myself... My true self with all its earthiness and freedom. My self that cares, loves and shows affection... I long... Oh how I long to be one with myself again...
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
The cold morning showers signal the start of a new day ,
Its September again my favorite time of the year,
But I feel so restless, so listless,
Without the warmth of familiarity, all passed into the void,
Only he remains, the only shred of familiarity,
All is lost leaving me so listless,
As listless when I lost my first song I ever wrote,
Or being forgotten by my own in a huge crowd,
The sounds of the world going on as if nothing has happened,
Nothing really matters,
Muffles my tears, muffles my emotions, my so called extra baggage,
So listless without emotions, my heart can't take it anymore,
Somewhere along the way it died, leaving me cold and empty,
An empty shell, if the world outside is bleak,
Then the world inside is more painful with all the darkness of Hades,
I fail to belong in both like Hamlet not knowing where to turn,
Whom to believe, whose lies to ignore,
The truth is never revealed, when it is revealed…
It leaves me so listless and undecided,
Whether to stay or to leave this last fragment of sanity,
Familiarity exists only in fragments,
Only in his soul, his heart,
My only pantomime to the world,
Of all the things I hold sacred,
Only he remains…
My Heart
You've been biting bullets all these years, I know
There beside yourself, choking back tears
And you aced avoiding possibility
When you made your bed upon the bittersweet
Oh now don't you worry
There's no need to be sorry
There's still time to step lightly
Cos the love you used to feel is still in there, inside
It may be the faded photograph, the lock of hair, don't hide
If you're scared, I'm here to hold you,
If you get lost I'm here to guide you
Love is peace when peace is fragile
Love is all the good in you that still remains
Love is peace when peace is fragile
You've been going out of way to agree
Like you've been rubbing yourself all wrong just to be somebody else's genie
Catering to your disasters every need
Waiting to finally be set free
I said baby don't worry
Life will carry
Just take it slowly
~Poets Of The Fall-Fragile
Call me crazy but my heart speaks to me; ever since I can remember. Instead of a prick of conscience I hear a gentle and soft voice which shields me from the world, the neglect and the aberration. Neglected by a world which knows no worth of mine she embraces me from inside, never leaving my side; gently chiding me if I forget here. She sits on my shoulder garbed in white, charcoal black hair and ever warm black eyes. As I cry to sleep at night she gently puts my head on her lap and gently sings me to sleep. Call me crazy if you want but I know my heart loves me...
Memoirs Of The Wind: Gitana (Freedom)
I'm neck deep in the river...I have my daily baths here... I shudder as the cold water reaches towards me with frigid fingers... As the cold seeps in... Her face flashes to my mind...Even on sultry summer days when I passed over her, she would always be cold... I called her hitana... gypsy in Spanish... She never stayed in one place...never...Sometimes, I would touch her in the West, sometimes in the East, Once even in cold Norway... That woman was always a mystery to me... I saw her transition from childhood to adulthood...Her eyes and body were always cold but her heart flooded with warmth...Her eyes were like tempered steel... like strong sterling..All her life no one knew her worth...she was an amazing artist... drawing since she was two... She was unwanted and unloved by all but me...She was the only...She was the only woman who came close to being my mate.. But she died young at the age of eighteen... and I remember how I howled and moaned that day... Everyone at her funeral was amazed when they saw her body float up in mid-air...I confess that was my doing... I wanted to hold her in my arms and say goodbye.. I’ve never touched anyone like her... cold and warm at the same time....
Monday, November 29, 2010
Memoirs Of The Wind: Nostalgia
I’m as old as time and this is the first time I’ve packed my bags and gone for a vacation to my grandmother’s house. Now many of you will roll your eyes and wonder what’s so great about going to your grandmother’s house and that you yourself went over on most summers... But what if you’re the wind??? What if you’re the breath of the world…? What if the world’s life stops if you stopped blowing for a moment...? And for the first time in history I was tired... So I begged God to freeze time for a few months and off I went...
Now as I lie in my grandmother’s lap listening to her treasure trove of stories with a mug of her famous hot chocolate... nostalgia hits me like a ton of bricks...
I couldn’t help but remember... help but remember... the places I’ve been, the people I’ve brushed... The first rain in the desert, drying the eyes of a crying child or playfully ruffling the hair of a beautiful child or playing with the pages of a book to lure a reading child to play....
Sunday, November 28, 2010
In the form of,
Infernal fire,
Seeps through my soul,
As I lay down to sleep,
The demos come alive,
The demons in me,
Eating away at my soul,
Eating my soul away,
No one can save me,
From this Hades,
Purgatory seems,
So much sweeter...
1st Verse
The chimera's eating my soul,
With great urgency,
While the basilisk's,
Yellow eyes turn me to stone,
Oh where's the warmth of the sun?
The warmth of sweet love's eyes,
Oh i can't see her,
Find her...
2nd Verse:
It was sunshine when I last saw her,
Where is she now...
Oh where is she?
Oh heck!!
Where's everyone?
Where's the warmth of all those years?
Instead of warmth,
I feel cold fire,
Eating me away,
Eating me away,
Eating my soul...
3rd Verse:
Oh Bring me back,
4th Verse:
Oh... I see her now,
See her beautiful face,
So beautiful,
But why is she crying,
And laying flowers on me,
Pretty red roses,
Oh I see now...
I'm stilled by Yuki's cold kiss,
I'm floating above,
Like some semi dead spirit,
Seeing my loved ones mourn for me,
I say to my body,
In vain hope that I'll stir back to life,
Go back to the world,
And dry her tears...
Infernal fire,
Seeps through my soul,
As I lay down to sleep,
The demos come alive,
The demons in me,
Eating away at my soul,
Eating my soul away,
No one can save me,
From this Hades,
Purgatory seems,
So much sweeter...
1st Verse
The chimera's eating my soul,
With great urgency,
While the basilisk's,
Yellow eyes turn me to stone,
Oh where's the warmth of the sun?
The warmth of sweet love's eyes,
Oh i can't see her,
Find her...
2nd Verse:
It was sunshine when I last saw her,
Where is she now...
Oh where is she?
Oh heck!!
Where's everyone?
Where's the warmth of all those years?
Instead of warmth,
I feel cold fire,
Eating me away,
Eating me away,
Eating my soul...
3rd Verse:
Oh Bring me back,
4th Verse:
Oh... I see her now,
See her beautiful face,
So beautiful,
But why is she crying,
And laying flowers on me,
Pretty red roses,
Oh I see now...
I'm stilled by Yuki's cold kiss,
I'm floating above,
Like some semi dead spirit,
Seeing my loved ones mourn for me,
I say to my body,
In vain hope that I'll stir back to life,
Go back to the world,
And dry her tears...
Saturday, November 27, 2010
Yuki kōgō ryō heika (Snow Empress)
Swords flashed...Steel against steel...contention in the air...
She wiped her mouth with the end of her kimono sleeve...Blood in snow...she thought looking at it an indeed all around it was so... The claret of her opponents blood stark against the snow... This was the second time... This was the second time they had nearly got her life...
So much for being the empress... She picked up her sword and wiped it... Japan has never seen so many wars before... My husband...He died...So I took over the reigns and became empress... Now, my kingdom has been defeated by invading armies from the west... And I'm in exile... At least that's what the king promised... Being a brave Samurai I did not give up my throne easily...He wanted to slash my throat and end my life... But my ever loyal subjects fearing for my life convinced him to only exile me and he should spare m life and I'll never come back to the kingdom... I've kept my promise of not going back to Toyonokuni... But he hasn't kept his promise... His assassins have followed me here...all the way to Hiroshima...
She gently put her sword back in its cover... and got on her horse... her ever loyal 'Yuki no kesshō (Snow Crystal)' she had christened him... It was his neighing which had alerted her in the first place... They rode slowly ahead like serene nomads... The empress' raven hair fluttered around her ivory face... her scarlet lips a starkly prominent... Her face as dignified as ever... Imperious Empress... swift hand... swift blows... grace of a swan...
She wiped her mouth with the end of her kimono sleeve...Blood in snow...she thought looking at it an indeed all around it was so... The claret of her opponents blood stark against the snow... This was the second time... This was the second time they had nearly got her life...
So much for being the empress... She picked up her sword and wiped it... Japan has never seen so many wars before... My husband...He died...So I took over the reigns and became empress... Now, my kingdom has been defeated by invading armies from the west... And I'm in exile... At least that's what the king promised... Being a brave Samurai I did not give up my throne easily...He wanted to slash my throat and end my life... But my ever loyal subjects fearing for my life convinced him to only exile me and he should spare m life and I'll never come back to the kingdom... I've kept my promise of not going back to Toyonokuni... But he hasn't kept his promise... His assassins have followed me here...all the way to Hiroshima...
She gently put her sword back in its cover... and got on her horse... her ever loyal 'Yuki no kesshō (Snow Crystal)' she had christened him... It was his neighing which had alerted her in the first place... They rode slowly ahead like serene nomads... The empress' raven hair fluttered around her ivory face... her scarlet lips a starkly prominent... Her face as dignified as ever... Imperious Empress... swift hand... swift blows... grace of a swan...
Friday, November 26, 2010
Poison People
Look around you while walking on a busy urban street...More often than not you will come across a type of 'point and laugh' people whom I would like to call the mockers... They think they are the framers of society... They're the ones who think that they make the rules... That they're the ones who can decide whether a person is socially in or not... They think its in their power to outcast people they don't like over frivolous things like the way they dress or the way they talk (here I mean if someone doesn't know a language well enough, and obviously cuss word slingers are almost worshiped).... To name a few views, they think people who don't cake their faces with makeup are ugly but the ones who do are called slags... Really you must have heard the story of the man, his horse and his wife... The same applies here but unfortunately no one stands up to these poisonous snakes... For that's what they are...Behind their pretty plastic faces lie a dark insecurity, a dark desire to taunt... And the ones who do try to stand up to them, they throw dust in all of society and outcasts them... I have noticed, many of the intellectuals and artists have always been outcasts starting from Galileo to Monet... Strange is the world... Ever paying attention and importance to frivolity and plasticity...
Thursday, November 25, 2010
The Psycho-kinetic
"Has no one taught you?" the slender girl said softly as she stood up from the pool of her blood, "Not to mess with a psycho-kinetic?" The lady in front of her took a step back, the sound of her high heels echoing in the dark... "Now where did you shoot me?" she said softly as if she was talking to herself. The lady watched in amazement as a bullet suddenly jutted out the girl's stomach high in the air. As the girl drew herself up, she could feel the amount of energy in the quiet street, and suddenly she was afraid, very afraid. The bullet was hurled away by the girl, without touching it.... The girl's wrath was evident as she spread out her hands like talons behind her and the ground started moving in a crescent shape around her, the earthy column raised itself to a few hundred feet menacingly behind her and she shouted, "WHO SENT YOU HERE?"
As the writhing mass of earth rushed towards the lady slashed at it with her large claws which had sprouted from her knuckles... 'What level is she?' she thought frantically...Herman said Tasha was an easy assignment as she was only a child... but we were so wrong...
"WHO SENT YOU HERE?" Tasha bellowed, her ianthine eyes glowing with anger. Fueled with her anger she ripped bricks from the nearby buildings, streetlights and all... She suspended them inches above her and said softly, "Now now, if you're not going to relent we will have to do it the hard way..."
As the writhing mass of earth rushed towards the lady slashed at it with her large claws which had sprouted from her knuckles... 'What level is she?' she thought frantically...Herman said Tasha was an easy assignment as she was only a child... but we were so wrong...
"WHO SENT YOU HERE?" Tasha bellowed, her ianthine eyes glowing with anger. Fueled with her anger she ripped bricks from the nearby buildings, streetlights and all... She suspended them inches above her and said softly, "Now now, if you're not going to relent we will have to do it the hard way..."
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Insensitivity (A sharp look at today's social mentality)
We all live
We all die
That does not begin to justify you
~Evanescence-Bleed~So we've progressed into the 21st century with our new and advanced technologies... and modern ways of thinking... Now for a moment let's stop the world... sit down with our bare selves... And ask ourselves the simple question... Do we really mean what we say and do we really say what we mean?... Are we actually doing what we say?... Do we do things after logical analysis or are we just animals following our impulses and satisfying our regressive egos? Do we take time before a decision? Do we take to think before telling a person something?
Insensitivity is a growing trend... Most think this is due to fashion trend and blame the youth of today as they believe the kids have no value system... while I believe that insensitivity has always been a part of society... like intolerance and lack of freedom of expression... No the conservative old man/woman you can't judge a person's worth without knowing him/her... you're not God and you definitely do not have the right to instigate a person further... If you're only there to mock and laugh at a person's suffering and pain and cannot acknowledge a human being's value of life and right to privacy and expression then I suggest you leave the person in question alone... Rather than instigate to them to take their life...
I guess... society is generally made up of a bunch of invisible 'they'. 'THEY'... almost every adult wonders what 'they' would say if they or their kin behaved and acted in a certain way.... And 'God Forbid' if 'THEY' say bad stuff about you and think badly of you... It would surely be the end of the world... Surely my son/daughter should even have matching 'social' thoughts and way of dressing... We wouldn't be accepted in society and would be outcasts... I ask a daring question here. What if your child's views are different from this herd mentality and what if they want to be true to themselves... Would you allow it? or would you force your rules and regulations on the child... I believe many do... they're insensitive and wouldn't accept the fact that even their children go through pain but are not willing to admit it as the thought doesn't massage their egos... The kids recoil in fright and try harder to please but in the end... end up harming themselves and increase their pain hundredfold...
Monday, November 22, 2010
The Loving & Genuine Art Community
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The reaper's kneeling at your field taking in what you've sown
Can't help feeling apprehension
No point in waiting, for a rating for what you have grown
Look for liquid consolation
If I act accordingly will it save my humanity
You're either you or a loyalty disowned
Well excuse me
Who was it who wanted every sec of the fifteen minute flame of fame
A name to last for all eternity
Who was it who wanted ingratiation beyond definitions
When love alone is enough to set you free
--Poets Of The Fall-15 Min Of Flame--
I'm tired of hubris... I'm tired of hypocrisy...I'm tired of this masquerade that people have built up over the years... perpetually changing masks... taking off one and putting on another... so quickly...its a blur...
What about the ones... the ones who want to hold true to themselves... the one who are true... why are they always broken.... In this I believe... The Art Community Stands Out... I believe we're probably the thought of as the most brazen...most earthy community... And that we can't keep our opinion to ourself however horrible they might be... But if only the earthly mortals were to look a little closer... they would find the most genuine, open and loving community there is... For they always express what they're genuine feeling are... for instance if you like their work... an immediate response of gratitude is received... if you don't like it... they don't go around on a self pity rampage...instead they ask you where they went wrong... The next thing... whatever you're craft is or you're just a lover of fine art... you're accepted and no one makes you feel out of place... Unlike the laymen... I guess laymen should probably learn a thing or two from the community they generally like to outcast... Mind you we're all social outcasts most of the time...We're respected and loved here... And wouldn't leave it for the world... this community... no matter what happens...
Sunday, November 21, 2010
Fragrance wafts into my nostrils and my head begins to turn as it gets entrapped in a trance... the scent of jasmine fills the room
Saturday, November 20, 2010
We live our lives...the rules of a heartless freedom of 'affection'...a society that can't tolerate the expression of love...of affection... filled with hypocrisy...It would rather see people wither away to dust from being unloved...from not knowing love....
Have a little more of not enough
More of what is less but isn't love
Little of the same you're dreaming of
That's enough, that's enough.
~Poets Of The Fall-Overboard
Loneliness hangs over me. Comfortably covering me with her veil. Nothing matters anymore only solitude. My head is clearer now... more than ever... Freed from the world... the mind flies... no more bondage... no more norms... My true self is bare and for the first time in my life i'm not self-conscious... I can finally be myself... My wings are poised ready for flight... The azure awaits my flight... My soul is one with me again... The world doesn't matter... doesn't matter in the end...
Friday, November 19, 2010
Broken Wings

Conversation Between Two Intimate Souls
"I tainted you."
"I protected you."
"I'm fire. I've burnt your life already."
"You're hiding something, I know you since eternity. Pain is burning you from inside. Everyone hurt you. Everyone burnt you. Give me a chance. I'll turn things around. Pain strangles your throat while the thought of our separation shatters your heart. You and I are one. We are nothing without each other."
"We may be two halves of one entity but we can't stay together. The moon has addled your brain. Open your eyes... I'm not the diamond you think I am. I'm merely the atramentous coal that burns everything when it itself starts burning. Are you sure you want to join your soul with mine?"
"I love you too much to care..."
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