My Blog is not supposed to be visually appealing...It stands for my beliefs...

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Ashamed To Be A Human Cookie Cutter

I’m at it again...tracing shapes on my skin with my blood...My blade is caked with blood from my previous cookie cutter moments...I am ashamed to be a human cookie cutter but over the years with no real friends...since I was ten...This is the only way I could release my pain...My family won’t bother...I was probably like a wild flower which grows by itself...neglected...I know my thoughts are not healthy...I know this even though no one has actually said it out loud...I have no way to end my pain...I heard that a suicide occurs every forty seconds....The world is such a cold and dreary unloved place...Ever since I can remember no one has told me out loud they love me...I probably think that I’m so worthless...I want to kill myself but I am afraid of I’m a human cookie cutter...not a person...only a cookie cutter with no feelings...Am I really just a stone with no feelings?   

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

this..all of this..its heart rendering and amazing..golden words..touched me in places it never had before..simply beautiful..good work akki!